Estimated timeframes for applications
Check the approximate date you should expect your application to be finalised by using the calculator below. Estimated processing times are based on when your complete application is lodged.
Where our assessment requires additional information timeframes may be exceeded.
If you have applied under mutual recognition of an interstate licence/registration, you can commence operating in SA as soon as you receive your ‘deemed registration’ letter.
You will be notified of our decision by email within one month from the date your ‘deemed registration' became effective.
Consumer and Business Services endeavours to process all applications in a timely manner. We appreciate that many applicants are seeking a licence urgently. Please refer to the timeframes and application process below before contacting us regarding the progress of your application.
Investigation Agents
Generally, applications for an Investigation Agent licence are processed within 4 weeks of lodgement. If you are also applying for a security agent licence or trainer licence, please refer to the section below.
Security Agents and Trainers
In general, you should expect to have your licence application finalised within 8-10 weeks from the date your complete application is lodged.
Timeframe / Location | What will happen? | What do you do? |
Weeks 1-4 (SAPOL fingerprints) | Your Personal Information Declaration is sent to South Australia Police (SAPOL) for review. You should expect a letter from SAPOL arranging an appointment to have your fingerprints taken within 4 weeks of lodging your application. | Attend your scheduled fingerprint appointment. |
Weeks 4-8 (SAPOL assessment) | SAPOL will take approximately 4 weeks to complete background checks and process fingerprint results. Police records, offence history and associates are taken into consideration when assessing whether an applicant is a fit and proper person to hold a security licence. Until these results are returned to us, we are unable to progress your application. | Nothing. |
Weeks 4-6 (Licensing assessment) | Information received from SAPOL is reviewed and assessed. Most applications are granted by week 10, unless further information is required. | Nothing, you will receive a confirmation email upon grant and your licence card in the post within 5-10 business days. |
Weeks 10+ (Licensing assessment) | Sometimes the Commissioner for Police objects to an application and further information is requested from the client. i.e., court records, submission letters or psychological assessments. Applications can exceed a 10-week timeframe. If needed, we will contact you in writing requesting further information. | Respond in writing, providing requested information. The sooner you do this the quicker we can assess your application. |
Once granted your licence details can be viewed on the public register. If you have not heard from us within 4 weeks (Investigation Agent only) or 10 weeks (Security Agent and/or Trainer), e-mail us at or call on 131 882 (option 4).
Due to an increase in applications, current wait time for a building work supervisor interview is between 10-12 weeks.
After submitting your application, if an interview is required, you will be contacted via email within two weeks to advise of your scheduled interview date and time.
Contact Consumer and Business Services promptly if the scheduled appointment is not suitable.
Interviews cancelled close to the scheduled appointment may result in significant delay.