If you've been affected by a natural disaster, you and your immediate family can access a priority service to replace birth, marriage and change of name certificates.
The Registrars of Births, Deaths and Marriages in any state or territory will replace certificates free of charge. Free replacement certificates are restricted to documents for you and your immediate family.
How do I get a replacement certificate?
To apply for a free replacement certificate issued by any Australian state or territory you will need to:
- attend a Relief/Recovery Centre to obtain a Recovery Card confirming you've suffered loss or damage as a result of a natural disaster and are entitled to free certificates.
- complete the Natural Disaster Replacement Certificates application form for a replacement certificate. The application form is available from:
* the Recovery Centre
* the CBS website (downloads PDF, 230.96 KB)
* Consumer and Business Services (CBS) - call 131 882 to request a copy be posted to you. - attach the photocopy of the Recovery Centre card to your application with the appropriate identification.
What identification will I need?
You will need to provide one of these combinations of documents:
- TWO documents from list 1
- ONE document from list 1 and ONE document from either list 2 or 3
- ONE document from list 2 and TWO documents from list 3
- THREE documents from list 3.
At least one document must show your name and address and one document must show your signature.
List 1
Australian passport
Australian driver’s licence (front and back)
Centrelink concession card
List 2
Government employee photo ID card
Overseas driver’s licence
Tertiary student ID card
Overseas passport
Aviation/maritime security ID card
Medicare card
Australian firearms licence
Security guard/crowd control licence
List 3
Bank statement
Council rates notice
Utility account (electricity, gas, water)
Proof of age card
Tenancy or lease agreement
Motor vehicle registration papers
Telephone/mobile account
ATO notice of assessment
Mortgage document
Australian Electoral Commission enrolment
Seniors card
Superannuation fund statement
Certified academic university transcript
Credit/debit card
I don’t have any identity documents. What can I do?
If you don't have any ID documents, call Births, Deaths and Marriages on 131 882 for assistance.
Can a relative or friend apply for my certificate?
Yes, a friend or relative can apply for a certificate on your behalf, if you give them written permission. Please include your contact details and a copy of your ID with your permission.
How do I lodge the form?
Forms can be lodged by:
- Post - Births, Deaths and Marriages, GPO Box 1351, Adelaide SA 5001
- In person - CBS Customer Service Centre, Ground floor, 2 - 4 Chesser Street, Adelaide