Media Releases
11 August 2014

The Commissioner for Consumer Affairs has issued a public warning about an unlicensed real estate agent - Shane Snellgrove.

Commissioner Dini Soulio said South Australians looking to either buy or sell property should not have any dealings with Mr Snellgrove.

“Shane Snellgrove has been unlicensed as a land agent in South Australia since his registration was cancelled in September 2013,” Mr Soulio said.

“Mr Snellgrove is ineligible to be licensed because he was recently declared bankrupt by order of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia.

“CBS has identified that despite warnings, Mr Snellgrove has continued to operate as a land agent unlicensed and has advertised properties on his website

“CBS is investigating the conduct of Mr Snellgrove, and speaking to witnesses. The maximum penalty for acting as a real estate agent while unlicensed is $20,000.

“I would warn consumers not to engage Mr Snellgrove as there is a risk that if they suffer detriment, they may not be afforded the protections provided by the Land Agents Act.

“If any consumer has outstanding dealings with Mr Snellgrove as a land agent they should contact Consumer and Business Services on 131 882.”