Media Releases
8 May 2018

An unlicensed builder has been penalised more than $30,000 for accepting payment for extensive home renovations work he was never licensed to undertake.

The Elizabeth Magistrates Court heard 52 year old Jason Brown, of Campbelltown, accepted payments totalling $29,000 from a client to carry out work in their Fairview Park property.

Brown was hired to carry out painting, wall repairs, kitchen renovations, installation of floors and paving and electrical work.

The court heard Brown had obtained a building work contractor’s licence, endorsed for painting only, once his client had raised concerns about the overall quality of the work and Brown’s failure to complete it on time.

Magistrate Ian White acknowledged that Brown had wanted to rectify the work but was unable to do so, ordering Brown to repay $20,000 in compensation to his client, and fining him $6,000.

Brown’s business, Above Energy Pty Ltd, was also fined $6,000.

Commissioner for Consumer Affairs Dini Soulio said the case highlighted the importance of using a licensed contractor.

“Consumer and Business Services has a publicly available register that enables you to check whether the contractor you’re looking to hire is licensed to do the job,” he said.

“It’s a way of ensuring the person you hire has the skills to do the job, and I’d encourage anyone looking to hire a contractor for work around the house to check the register before signing on the dotted line.”

To view the register, head to or call Consumer and Business Services on 131 882.