Media Releases
8 February 2022

The Liquor and Gambling Commissioner has introduced temporary restrictions to all bottle shops in the Port Augusta township which take effect from midday today.

The restrictions have been brought into place based on advice from South Australia Police indicating there has been an increase in alcohol related offences and antisocial behaviour in the last few weeks.

COVID-19 lockdowns in remote communities, coupled with extreme weather blocking highways to the north and west of Port Augusta has resulted in an increased population of non-residents unable to return home.

Under the restrictions:

  • Bottle shops are not permitted to open for trade before 11am
  • Customers can only purchase ONE of the following restricted items per person per day for takeaway:
    • One bottle of spirits OR
    • One 2L cask wine (any casks over 2L cannot be purchased) OR
    • One bottle of fortified wine/port.
  • Photograph identification (driver's licence or proof of age card) must be shown when purchasing any of the items listed above and the details of the purchase (name, address, type of liquor and quantity purchased) must be recorded in a register (either handwritten or electronic) and retained by the licensee for the duration that the restrictions remain in force.
  • Liquor cannot be sold to any person who attends a bottle shop drive-through in a taxi, including the taxi driver.

Restrictions limiting the volumes of cask wine, spirits and fortified wine/port do not apply to managers and supervisors of station properties; managers and supervisors of companies operating mining ventures and other licensees.

The restrictions were developed in consultation with a number of key stakeholders, including South Australia Police, impacted licensees and Member for Stuart Dan van Holst Pellekaan.

They come into effect from midday today and will be in place for the next two weeks.

The Commissioner and SAPOL will be closely monitoring the outcomes of these restrictions and will consider the next steps over the coming fortnight.