Media Releases
20 September 2015

The state’s consumer watchdog has issued a public warning notice against Andrew James Laundy trading as ‘Creative Renovations & Demolitions’ and ‘Aj’s Contracting’, an unlicensed business providing a range of building services across the state.

Acting Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, George Kamencak, is asking consumers to avoid dealing with this trader following a number of recent complaints received by Consumer and Business Services (CBS) about his work practices.

“Laundy has allegedly been contracting with customers through an online website where consumers can seek quotes from listed tradespeople,” Mr Kamencak said.

“CBS has received complaints from a range of consumers in the Metropolitan area, where Laundy has taken money for such services as fencing, paving, shed construction and ceiling repairs.

“Consumers have complained that Laundy has taken substantial payments, but failed to carry out or complete the work.

“We strongly believe he is carrying on a business without holding the relevant South Australian Building Work Contractors licence.

“Accepting payments and failing to supply all the services within a reasonable time frame is a clear breach of Australian Consumer Law.”

Individual traders who breach the legislation under the Australian Consumer Law can face penalties of up to $220,000 and up to $1,100,000 for companies.

The Acting Commissioner said following complaints made to CBS, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that one or more persons have suffered, or is likely to suffer detriment as a result of the alleged conduct.

“We strongly advise people to check licence details and the reputation of the building contractor before engaging their services.

“Not all websites that aim to make it quicker and easier for consumers to obtain quotes from relevant tradespeople may do their research and ensure those traders who are listed meet all the appropriate requirements.

“To avoid getting stung, have a look online for reviews of the business or tradesperson and remember to check the licensing register to make sure a tradesperson is licensed,” Mr Kamencak said.

CBS is continuing to investigate the alleged conduct. If anyone has any concerns about their dealings with Andrew Laundy and Creative Renovations & Demolition or Aj’s Contracting they should contact CBS on 131 882.