Public Warnings
30 August 2013

The Commissioner for Consumer Affairs has issued a public warning about a former second-hand vehicle dealer Nicholas White, sole director of Oz Car Wholesale Pty Ltd.

Commissioner Paul White says Consumer and Business Services has investigated nine complaints about Nicholas White’s conduct in relation to second hand car sales.

“We’ve had complaints that Consumers have purchased extended vehicle warranties only to discover the warranty was never lodged by the dealer, leaving consumers to pay for the repairs,” Commissioner White said.

“White has also failed to carry out warranty repairs and failed to reimburse consumers for repairs carried out within the statutory warranty.

“In one case the Nicholas White took a vehicle to sell on consignment which then purportedly “’disappeared’ from the car yard, leaving the consumer with no car and no payment.

“In another case, he took a deposit for a vehicle which he subsequently claimed to be “stolen” and failed to refund the deposit to the consumer.

“Nicholas White failed to refund a consumer for the purchase price of a vehicle which was later found to be defective.

“White also sold a vehicle on consignment for a consumer and then paid the consumer with cheques bounced.”

“Oz Car Wholesale Pty Ltd and Nicholas White are no longer licensed under the Second-Hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995 and are therefore not allowed to trade in second-hand vehicles.

“White’s track record speaks for itself, and consumers should not buy or sell any car through him.

“He has also traded under the names Value Plus Autos, OzCar Used, Beejay Autos, European Auto Brokers, and Go Budget Price Cars.

“He is also known to have sold second-hand vehicles through other car yards and so consumers should be careful when buying a second-hand vehicle to find out exactly who the owner/dealer is that they're dealing with.”

If anyone has any concerns about their dealings with Nicholas White or Oz Car Wholesale Pty Ltd, they should contact CBS on 131 882.