CBS Updates
17 July 2018

Customers of Mr Koutropoulos and Mrs Boufkas of Olympia Express Tourist and Travel are invited to apply for compensation for losses suffered as a result of travel services offered between March 2015 and March 2016.

The Honourable Justice Stanley order consumers be notified of their right to apply for compensation.

The following notice was ordered:

Vasilios Koutropoulos and Mary Boufkas, operators of Olympia Express Tourist and Travel Office, have accepted that they engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct in the provision of travel services to consumers since at or around March 2015 in breach of the Australian Consumer Law (SA).

By court order, Mr Koutropoulos and Ms Boufkas must now pay compensation to affected consumers. The purpose of this notice is to invite affected consumers to apply for such compensation.

Should you believe that:

1. you suffered loss as a result of a failure by Mr Koutropoulos or Ms Boufkas to provide travel services to any of the following people: Nickolas Kollis; Effie Kiziridis; George Giakoumis; Athena Karanastasis; Konstantinos Dimopoulos; Saadea Abood; Hefah Abood; Ramzeyeh Al Saeedy; Anastasia Maretis; Angeliki Kotsonis; Fanoula Moutsokapas; Ammar Ateya Twice Al Ghizee; Nicolette Alexia Kourlis; Ann Nikari; Kathy Economos; or Athanasia Nikitas; or

2. you paid money to either Mr Koutropoulos or Ms Boufkas for travel services, for example, but not limited to, airline tickets, travel insurance or hotel bookings, but were not provided with confirmed bookings for those travel services;

Mr Koutropoulos and Ms Boufkas are required to re-pay to you the amount of that loss or the amount paid for those services, less any amount already paid to you by Mr Koutropoulos or Ms Boufkas as a refund or compensation.

Should you, or anyone you know, satisfy the above criteria and wish to obtain compensation please notify Consumer and Business Services by 21 September 2018 on the following contact details.

Consumer and Business Services

GPO BOX 1719


Consumer and Business Services will then assess your circumstances, seek further information from you and provide your details to Vasilios Koutropoulos and Mary Boufkas so, if appropriate, compensation can be made.

Contact Consumer and Business Services on 131 882 with any enquiries on making a claim.