CBS Updates
16 December 2016

A 39-year old southern Adelaide man has admitted being a director of a business that sold second hand motorbikes without a licence.

In the Christies Beach Magistrates Court, Vlastimil Krejcir admitted being a director of Two Wheel Recyclers, a Hackham-based business that repaired and sold second hand motorcycles.

The business’ licence was cancelled in 2014 due to non-payment of the licence fee, and Krejcir failed to get it renewed.

Krejcir admitted to selling nine motorcycles within a 12 month period, ranging in value from $500 to $3400.

He was convicted and fined $2100.

Acting Commissioner for Consumer Affairs George Kamencak said the prosecution was a timely reminder for all second hand vehicle dealers.

“Regardless of whether it’s intentional or inadvertent, it’s illegal to sell four vehicles or more a year without a licence,” he said.

“I’d urge all used vehicle dealers to check their licences to ensure they’re still valid or – if they’ve lapsed – ensure they get renewed as soon as possible.”

People wishing to check the status of their licence can contact CBS on 131 882.