Public Warnings
22 November 2013

The Commissioner for Consumer Affairs is issuing a public statement:

  • to warn consumers about Ali Faraj (formerly known as Kamel Kaseem and Kamel Mousselmani) who has supplied building work services in an unsatisfactory manner; and
  • to give information to consumers about Ali Faraj who carried on the business as a building work contractor and as a second-hand vehicle dealer, without the required licences to do so.

Ali Faraj was convicted in 2012 in the Adelaide Magistrates Court of 11 offences against the Building Work Contractors Act 1995 (“BWC Act”) for which he was fined $57,000 and was ordered to pay $60,000 compensation.

Disciplinary proceedings were subsequently brought against Ali Faraj in the District Court. On 15 November 2013 the District Court found that Ali Faraj conducted extensive building work whilst not being licensed to do so, failed to take out the required insurance, failed to contract in writing as required, undertook building work negligently and after being convicted in the Magistrates Court of regulatory offences concerning such work continued to advertise and seek further building work. The District Court made the following orders that Ali Faraj be:

  • disqualified from being licensed or registered under the Building Work Contractors Act 1995 until further order;
  • prohibited from being employed or otherwise engaged in the business of a building work contractor until further order; and
  • prohibited from being the director of a body corporate that is a building work contractor until further order.

On 18 November 2013, Ali Faraj was also convicted by the Magistrates Court for one count of carrying on business as a second-hand dealer without a licence to do so contrary to the Second-hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995 for which he was fined $33,000.

The Commissioner is satisfied that it is in the public interest to make this public statement identifying and warning about the unsatisfactory manner in which Ali Faraj has supplied building work services; and to provide information about matters which may adversely affect people in connection with the acquisition of building work services and second-hand vehicles.

Public warning notice