Media Releases
14 March 2017

South Australians are being warned about an increased risk of unwanted sale tactics as more areas across the state continue to hook up to the new National Broadband Network (NBN).

Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, Dini Soulio, said the attraction of a faster internet speed can lead to consumers becoming distracted by the promotion of cheap deals with unfavourable terms and potential scams.

“As the NBN is introduced to suburbs there will be a surge of internet providers offering their services,” he said.

“Consumers are reminded to do their research to ensure they are signing up with a legitimate service provider.

“While your letterbox may start to fill up with advertising material, you may also be approached by door-to-door salespeople or telemarketing phone calls.

“It’s important South Australians understand their rights when approached.”

Under the Australian Consumer Law, you are entitled to ask door-to-door salespeople to leave, and they must do so immediately.

If consumers decide to enter into an agreement with an uninvited seller at their door or over the phone, remember the following protections may apply:

  • a written copy of the agreement must be provided
  • a document outlining your cooling off rights and a relevant form must be provided
  • traders cannot accept any payment or provide any service to the consumer during the 10-day cooling off period.

Mr Soulio would also like to remind consumers that they do not need to make a decision on the spot.

“It is better to take your time to consider the deal and compare it with other suppliers,” he said.

“While the sale price may look good, a provider may have a string of unhappy customers and may be getting poor reviews.

“To avoid signing up to a scam, we advise consumers to check that they are a legitimate service provider and this can be done by visiting

“When considering an NBN service provider it’s worthwhile reading the terms and conditions and ensuring you understand the length of the contract, penalties for ending a contract early and ensuring a verbal promise is matched in the written contract.”

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