Mid section of a bartender pouring a cocktail into a glass. An array of drinks in various glasses rest on the bar.

Do you go out to Adelaide’s late-night venues? Do you live or work in or near them?

We've undertaken a review of the Late Night Trading Code of Practice (Late Night Code) under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997. The Late Night Code came into operation in 2013, with the intent of encouraging responsible service and consumption of liquor and to reduce the level of alcohol-related harm that occurs in and around licensed venues. The aim of the review was to:

  • assess whether the Late Night Code has successfully reduced alcohol-related harm in and around licensed venues
  • assess whether the Late Night Code has resulted in any unintended consequences; and
  • provide recommendations (if any) for amendments to the Late Night Code.

Your SAy

To inform our review Consumer and Business Services undertook targeted and public consultation. South Australians were invited to make direct submissions or complete the survey for industry or community members.

The response

A consultation report available here recommends amendments to the Late Night Code.

What's happening

The Late Night Code is to be retained.

The proposed amended code, was subject to further targeted consultation 8 August until 1 September 2023.

The Liquor and Gambling Commissioner considered feedback and determined the draft Late Night Code will be largely retained with minor new changes to that announced on 8 August 2023.

The proposal for drink marshals will now only be needed every Saturday, Sunday and public holiday from 2.01am to 7am, rather than seven days a week, to make this more workable for the industry. Police will monitor the implementation of this change in case further change is required.

The amended Late Night Code will commence on 1 November 2023 and includes:

  • clarifying the role of drink marshals to proactively intervene when appropriate
  • clarifying restrictions on the sale of beverages promoting rapid or excessive consumption of alcohol, such as shots after 2am
  • ensuring metal detectors are operated by licensed security agents when screening patrons entering licensed premises between midnight and 3am
  • improving the quality of CCTV footage in and around licensed venues.

The Adelaide Liquor Accord will also be re-established, comprising of licensed venues, South Australia Police, SA Health, the City of Adelaide Council and other relevant agencies and organisations.

See details about What's changing with the Late Night Code.