Image of a key on a wooden desk with a house shaped key ring attached.

Whether you are renting or managing a rental property, tenancy laws are in place to protect you. Here are some important things you should know:

  • The owner/manager must lodge bonds with Consumer and Business Services (CBS). Bonds can be lodged and refunded online using Residential Bonds Online
  • A landlord or proprietor cannot take more than the bond and one upfront rental payment at the start of a tenancy - for rooming houses - for private rentals
  • The online ‘check a bond status’ service is a quick way to track the progress of a bond refund or check whether a bond is lodged with CBS
  • Proper rent records must be kept by a landlord or proprietor and receipts given
  • Rental properties can be a target for scammers – avoid rental scams
  • Don’t overcrowd a rental property – clutter or too many people living in a property could be a fire hazard
  • The property must meet minimum housing standards and be free from health and fire hazards
  • Items that are damaged or need repair or maintenance should be reported (in writing) to the landlord/proprietor.

CBS provides free advice and information about tenancy rights and obligations. For advice or information to help resolve a dispute call 131 882. All contact with CBS is kept confidential.

Tenancy information in languages other than English.

For more information about renting rights and obligations visit renting.