Image of a man in a white hardhat, purple collared shirt, striped tie, and safety glasses holding a clipboard and pen.

Each year CBS identifies key priority areas for its compliance and enforcement work.

The priority areas selected are based on intelligence we’ve gathered across a wide range of industries.

The five priorities for 2023-24 are outlined below.


We are cracking down on individuals and companies who:

  • perform unlicensed building work, including operating outside the scope of licence conditions
  • take payment from consumers but do not complete the work.

Second-hand vehicle dealers

We are focussing our attention on licensed and unlicensed sellers operating from home and also on odometer tampering.

Real estate

We are concerned about unlicensed activities in real estate and compliance with Residential Tenancy Act reforms that have been instigated to improve rental affordability and security for tenants.

Australian Consumer Law (ACL)

We are keeping a sharp focus on product safety and also on unsolicited consumer agreements. These are when salespeople target consumers by phone, in public places, or at home to sell a product or service when they haven’t been invited for that purpose.

Casino and gambling

The regulation of the casino and gambling in South Australia remains a key focus for CBS in 2023-24. We aim to reduce gambling related harm and to minimise the influence of organised criminal activity on the gambling sector while boosting staff training compliance.

We will report on our compliance and enforcement outcomes in 2024.

Complain about a business

All consumer complaints are important to CBS, and we are particularly interested in receiving complaints about products, services or businesses that relate to one of our five compliance priorities.

If you are concerned about the conduct of a business:

CBS will not be able to take action in relation to every matter. To make the best use of resources and to maximise public benefit, CBS will consider a range of factors in determining which matters to pursue. These include:

  • whether sufficient evidence exists to warrant further action
  • the level of actual or potential consumer detriment
  • whether the conduct demonstrates blatant or systemic misconduct.

Compliance and Enforcement Policy

Read our Compliance and Enforcement Policy 2023-24.

The policy sets out the framework adoped by CBS to achieve compliance with the law. It outlines the compliance and enforcement principles, strategy, priorities and process as well as the options available to CBS.

While the priority areas set out in the Compliance and Enforcement Policy will be a focus for 2023-24, CBS will continue its compliance and enforcement activities across the wide range of legislation it administers. CBS will respond to emerging issues and trends across the year.