Woman in supermarket selecting vegetables from the shelf.

With ongoing cost of living pressures impacting household budgets, we’ve come up with some tips to help you be a savvy consumer and to save some money along the way.

Be an informed consumer

Use unit pricing when grocery shopping

Everyone loves a great deal and we’re all trying to make our dollars stretch further at the checkout. One way to help you save money while grocery shopping, is using unit pricing - which shows not just the cost of a product, but what the value of that product is as a cost per standard unit of measurement – e.g. the cost per kilogram or per litre.

Unit pricing allows you to compare the cost of grocery products quickly and accurately, for example between brands, specials, different package sizes, between packaged and unpackaged, or fresh and frozen.

The unit price is usually displayed on shelf labels. Check if the store’s website or app provides unit prices, and if it allows you to sort by ‘lowest unit price’.

Read more about unit pricing.

Review your memberships and subscription services

Whether it’s a streaming service, food delivery service, gym membership or newspaper subscription you’re signed up to, it pays to review your memberships regularly. These small monthly costs can soon add up.

Before signing up to a new subscription make sure you read the terms and conditions and are aware of any ongoing fees.

When reviewing membership and subscription services consider:

  • What services do I actually use?
  • Is there a better deal or a cheaper plan?
  • Is there a low-cost alternative?
  • Can I rotate through subscriptions?

Do some research before filling up your car

Doing a little research before you fill up might help save you money. While a lot of factors can influence the price you pay for fuel, a quick look at  a fuel price app or website before you fill up will inform you of fuel prices in your area so that you can compare and save.

Read more about finding the cheapest fuel.

Review your bills  

Want to avoid a ‘loyalty tax’?

It pays to shop around and compare deals offered by other providers to ensure you're getting the best price, products, and services for your circumstances.

Businesses offer lower rates or premiums to new customers while charging higher rates or premiums to long-term customers, who have been loyal to a company or institution for many years.

Using comparison websites can be helpful but they have limitations and may not cover all your options. See the Australian Government’s Moneysmart website for tips on using comparison websites.

Learn how to spot a scam

Scams come in many forms and people can be more susceptible to scams during financially strained times.

Protect yourself from scams:

  • STOP – Don’t give money or personal information to anyone if you’re unsure.
  • THINK – Ask yourself if the message or call could be fake?
  • PROTECT – Act quickly if something feels wrong. Contact your bank or credit card provider immediately if you think you’ve given your financial details to a scammer.

Learn ways to spot and avoid scams at Scamwatch.

See the Moneysmart website

The Australian Government’s Moneysmart website contains tips, tools and resources to help you manage your money, reduce your debt and plan for your future. It also has information on budgeting, reducing living costs and getting help if you need it.