Graphic cartoon image of a woman wearing a pink top, blue jeans with red hair. Text reads: #AskForAngela Saying no more to violence against women.

Ask for Angela is an international campaign being introduced to South Australia to promote safety in licensed venues.

If a patron feels unsafe, they can discretely ask the staff for ‘Angela’. This simple code word alerts venue staff that the person requires assistance. The staff can then follow their own procedures to help the person appropriately and respectfully.

Ask for Angela is being introduced to South Australia in a partnership between Consumer and Business Services, The Office for Women, South Australia Police, The Australian Hotels Association (AHA)(SA), and is supported by YWCA, Yarrow Place and Music SA.

Information for venue management and staff

Venues in South Australia are being invited to participated in the Ask for Angela campaign by preparing staff to respond appropriately.


Ask for Angela should only be promoted to patrons at your venue when all of the steps in the checklist have been completed and staff are prepared, which may be after the launch date of 01 November.

Members of AHA SA will receive printed posters at the time of the public launch on 01 November 2018.

For industry feedback and queries about the campaign please email

Information for patrons

If you feel unsafe at a licenced venue and see the campaign signage, ask the staff for Angela and they will assist you.

Feedback about your experience can be provided to the venue, or to:

Women’s Information Service
101 Grenfell Street
Phone 08 8303 0590
or 1800 188 158 (rural callers)