Consumer and Business Services (CBS), a division of the South Australian Government’s Attorney-General’s Department, works to:

  • protect consumers
  • support and regulate business
  • record significant life events for South Australians.

CBS is customer focused and flexible in its activities and provides accessible services and information.

Strategic Plan

Customer service charter

Complaints, compliments and feedback policy

Services provided by CBS include:

  • tenancy advice
  • bond lodgements and refunds
  • consumer affairs advice and dispute resolution
  • licensing for certain occupations, trades and businesses
  • birth, death and marriage registration
  • marriage solemnisations
  • regulation of the liquor, gaming, casino, racing, lottery and charity industries
  • handling complaints in relation to licensed premises
  • registration of incorporated associations and co-operatives.

In addition, CBS:

  • conducts research into matters concerning the interests of consumers
  • conducts consumer education programs, publishing reports and informing consumers about matters of interest
  • monitors business activities of regulated industries under legislation that CBS administers and investigating practices that may have adverse impacts.
  • enforces laws by the prosecution of offences and through other appropriate actions
  • reports to the Minister for Business Services and Consumers on the functions of the Commissioner.

CBS Organisational Structure

Consumer and Business Services administers the following South Australian Acts:

  • Associations Incorporation Act 1985
  • Australian Consumer Law (Cth)
  • Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000
  • Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996
  • Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009
  • Building Work Contractors Act 1995
  • Burial and Cremation Act 2013
  • Casino Act 1997
  • Collections for Charitable Purposes Act 1939
  • Community Titles Act 1996
  • Companies (Administration) Act 1982
  • Conveyancers Act 1994
  • Co-operatives National Law (SA) Act 2013
  • Fair Trading Act 1987
  • Family Relationships Act 1975
  • Gambling Administration Act 2019 (formerly the Independent Gambling Authority Act 1995)
  • Gaming Machines Act 1992
  • Gaming Offences Act 1936
  • Hairdressers Act 1988
  • Justices of the Peace Act 2005
  • Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017
  • Land Agents Act 1994
  • Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994
  • Land Valuers Act 1994
  • Landlord and Tenant Act 1936
  • Liquor Licensing Act 1997
  • Lotteries Act 2019
  • Marriage Act 1961
  • Misrepresentation Act 1972
  • Oaths Act 1936
  • Partnership Act 1891
  • Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Electricians Act 1995
  • Prices Act 1948
  • Problem gambling Family Protection Orders Act 2004
  • Relationships Register Act 2016
  • Residential Parks Act 2007
  • Residential Tenancies Act 1995
  • Sale of Goods Act 1895
  • Second-Hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995
  • Security and Investigation Industry Act 1995
  • Strata Titles Act 1988
  • Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015

About the Minister

Andrea Michaels is the South Australian Minister for Consumer and Business Affairs, Small and Family Business and Arts.

She is also the State Member for Enfield, representing the community in Adelaide's inner north and north-eastern suburbs.

Prior to becoming a Minister, Andrea was running her own small business - a legal practice specialising in commercial law and supporting small and family businesses.

She has also been the Treasurer of the Law Society of SA and a partner at leading law firms.

About the Commissioner

Martyn Campbell is the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, Commissioner for Corporate Affairs, Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and Commissioner for Prices. He also has responsibility for all of the operations of Consumer and Business Services within the Attorney-General's Department.

He joined Consumer Affairs in June 2024 with a 30+ year career spanning criminal, civil and administrative investigations and regulatory compliance in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Asia Pacific.

Formerly the Head of SafeWork SA and WHS Regulator for South Australia, Martyn has broad experience in regulatory compliance across work health & safety, industrial relations and tax regulation, coupled with a 19 year police career. Prior to leading SafeWork SA, Martyn worked in the private sector in the extractive minerals sector, predominantly in work health & safety compliance.

Martyn is a Global Technical Advisor to the International Association of Labour Inspection and former Secretary-General of that organisation.

In addition to several Board positions, Martyn also holds an Honours Degree in Law, a Masters in Law and a Masters in Occupational Health & Safety.

Access to your information

The Freedom of Information Act 1991 provides members of the public with access to South Australian government documents, making CBS and other government agencies more accountable.

Find out more about making a Freedom of Information (‘FOI’) request.